I strongly encourage experimentation, creativity and playfulness. I help you to reduce fears of failure, and to create room for personal growth. Here are some my favourites:
Design Thinking
Meant for innovation processes, apt for complex problem solving, agile in so many ways, fun and very easy to do. Heterogeneous teams go through a structured process in iterative steps with creative methods. What I love most about Design Thinking is that since teams look at a problem through the eyes of the users, they move away from repetitive and lengthy discussions about who is right and wrong, and who has always held this or that position…
Zurich Resource Model ®
Goals should be aligned with inner needs, in order to make any transformation process successful and sustainable. The Zurich Resource Model involves all senses with the intent to anchor goals on all levels of the personality, and thus supports self-regulation. This method has proved to be highly successful during all the years that I have applied it.
Hypno-systemic coaching
This method aims at addressing deeply rooted patterns of behavior by tapping into the inner knowledge of the client. The focus is always on solutions, and clients learn to find the necessary resources for problem solving in their context and social environment. The hypno-systemic approach – because it does not rely solely on cognitive knowledge and language – is very direct and highly efficient.
Transformative storytelling
Stories help to make sense of the world, change perspectives, and create a sense of identity and belonging. Used in a strategic approach, I like to use them when working with organizations in transformation processes, for M&A or generational change, as well as in team processes.
Future thinking / futures foresight
What are the influences that will impact a business in the coming years? What are probable scenarios, where are the risks and opportunities? And what can be done to pave the way towards a desirable future? These questions should be discussed, and there are many useful tools to make it easier and manageable, and shift the focus from a problem-centered perspective towards options.

Collaboration and communication are at the heart of everything I do. I am a facilitator, design thinker and hypno-systemic coach, and I help teams and individuals to navigate change.