Saturday, 03. August 2024

Before I officially launched my second business in London, I tried to figure out how I would access the London market. In Germany, where I’ve had my business for 15 years, I get recommended through my network. But in London, I don’t have that yet. And I wear many hats: as a facilitator, coach, consultant, and storytelling expert. To some, it might seem pretty eclectic, so how would I position myself?
Turquoise helped.
In a random dispute, where I felt profoundly misunderstood, I blurted out: „It’s like asking‚is turquoise green or blue? It depends on perspective!“ And once I had this filter on my eyes, I started seeing turquoise everywhere.
I collected everything turquoise with my phone’s camera. Random items, street art, clothing. I read about the psychological impact of different colours on people’s minds and souls. Turquoise, according to one source, bridges logic and intuition and facilitates inner growth. Wow!
The process went on for a couple of months until it faded. I’ve moved on, my eyes now get caught by darker shades of green. My new phone case is moss green, and so was last year’s winter coat. Incidental?
Colours can be warm or cold, and tell us something about needs and preferences. In combination with different materials, they have varying effects.
We should use colours more as a strategic instrument. The brain is very fond of bringing together what, at first view, doesn’t belong together. Serendipity lets us craft new connecions in our neural pathways . Creative methods can help to get un-stuck, open the mind, and find new solutions.